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Tips on starting Hygraph project without using starter template

Tips #1: Create 2 permission for "Read all model on Published stage" and "Read all versions"

dont forget to create 2 permission here for those who create hygraph project without starterScreenshot 2023-11-08 024424.png

If you see the "Public Content API" section showing "Would you like us to initialize some defaults", click the "Yes, initialize defaults" button. Hygraph will create the "Read all models on stage Published for all locales" permission.

The second permission, you have to create it by yourself. Click the "+ Add Permission" and select "Read versions" Rule, then click "Add". For the Model, leave it at "All" option.

Tips #2: Do the same thing from Tips #1 but in Permanent Auth Token section

also create permission in the permanent auth token sectionScreenshot 2023-11-08 024435.png

This step should be the same as Tips #1.