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Going back to Semarang!

"Wet windscreen of bus in rainy day" by Meruyert Gonullu on Pexels

The trip.

I depart using travel service from Solo to Semarang. Arrived late than departure time and I lost the ticket's money, but luckily there's another departure 30 minutes later with the same destination. During the trip, I rarely took photos since occasionally the road got bumpy. But good thing is there is increased in traffic but only little congestion. And yes, the driver took the toll road to minimize congestion during the trip, too.


Ahhh, finally got to stretch after 2 hours trip.

Arrived around 6 pm, Jalan Majapahit saw less traffic than usual.

And the good news kept coming. The pick-up point/pool has a burger joint next to it, Burger Bangor. Since I was not in hurry, I decided to get a burger and hotdog to eat at home. The downside of this purchase is that I didn't expect the total would go near 100k rupiahs, ouch.

Here are some photos of the burger and hotdog. I'm not a professional photographer, I'm just a regular person taking photo with his phone, so expect something less fancy.

The hotdog itself. Cost me around 30k rupiahs (-/+ $2 USD)
Beef Burger with cheese. Cost me around 45k rupiahs (-/+ $3 USD)