Cover image of Getting the Birthday Cake

Getting the Birthday Cake

"Person buying a cake" Photo by Gustavo Fring: Pexels-Person buying a cake

LF (Looking for) bday cake <300k idr

This post might be more targeted to the Indonesian reader, specifically those who live in Semarang Municipality (Kota Semarang). But, if you are from outside Semarang or even from overseas, feel free to tell me what is your idea of simple, cheap, but meaningful birthday!

One of the consideration when looking for the birthday cake is to not went over the budget. Right now, my budget is 300k IDR. If there is birthday cake that cost less than 300k, that will be added to my wishlist.

A friend of mine recommend to check Wonder Bakery Semarang.

Have any recommendation?

Go ahead and comment below! Or, if you prefer telling me in private, feel free to reach me through Telegram and my e-mail.