Cover image of First Dwarf Promoted!

First Dwarf Promoted!

After tens of hours according to in-game statistics, I finally level up my engineer to level 25, therefore eligible for promotion. With this, I unlocked Deep Dive mode and The Forge terminal. Deep Dive mode will be the special kind of mission where instead of extracting after a mission in regular mode, I will be descending deeper into Hoxxes.

The Forge is the place in the lobby or the space rig, where we could build overclock for the weapon and craft accessories.

Got the notification

engineer promotion unlockedScreenshot 2023-11-09 012444.png

After this, I went to the Memorial Hall.

Choose the class to be promoted

choose class to be promotedScreenshot 2023-11-09 012626.png

Confirming promotion for engineer

confirmation to promote dwarfScreenshot 2023-11-09 012804.png

Now, the first time I saw the confirmation message, I don't have enough credits, so I sell some mineral ores at the trading terminal

Congrats on the promotion, here are your rewards

open all rewardsScreenshot 2023-11-09 012845.png
opened rewardsScreenshot 2023-11-09 012907.png
stubby volt overclockScreenshot 2023-11-09 013347.png
brt7 overclockScreenshot 2023-11-09 013413.png