Cover image of Deep Rock Galactic moment #2

Deep Rock Galactic moment #2

Author unknown, "High Effort Meme" uploaded by "Diribiri" on Reddit

Hacking pod dropped on the ground that already caved in from volcanic quake? Sure I'll get it done

kinda bugged location for hacking pod hahahaScreenshot 2023-10-31 231603.png

I swear, this is my first time getting a map where there are volcanic quake and the hacking pod just so happen being dropped on the area where cave-in happened. Usually its either flat ground, the ground above me, or below me.

"Oh I have 10 minutes free, I think one session of DRG is possible" My one session of DRG:

deep rock session that last almost 1 hour daemnnScreenshot 2023-10-31 235951.png

So far this is not the longest session of DRG for me. If I recall back during last Ramadan, I play 1 hour 20 minute just in one session of DRG

Last picture would be the reward I got from doing the Halloween quest. I definitely booting up DRG soon after finishing this post.

halloween quest rewardScreenshot 2023-10-31 145738.png